Support... yourself - not us!
The quite logical question is: If it's really that good — why it
isn't manufactured yet?. Unfortunately, it's not that easy in the
business area; quite reasonable answer has been given on the pages of
New Energy and Fuel portal:
So whats the problem? Where are the companies that make engines? First up is
and always will be the not invented here mental illness. On the other hand
the Otto cycle gasoline and compression ignition Rudolf Diesel designs are
not invented here anyway. Then its hard to let go of the wins from
controlling and managing the fuel ignition successes we have today, even as
these lessons will advance the new Holubowicz design principles rapidly.
Then its been reported that Mr. Holubowicz has been approached by concerns
who wish to license/buy the entirety of the design as opposed taking out a
license, while understandable, this is greed beyond any accusation leveled
on any other segment of the energy industry. The approach also is a sulk,
stick head in sand and make ones ass a target path of behavior.
Eager to buy car/bike with such modern engine (with a gun-engine)?
Or maybe wanna to say thanks, goobye! to power station for its
overpriced services - and to supply the power by yourself (ballerina)?
If so - try to think over it:
- Are the oil wells owners interested in lowering the demand for their oil
- and, as a consequence, in lowering the oil's prices?
- Are the refineries - and fuel suppliers - interested in selling less
- Are the power plants owners interested in selling less power,
despite the foolery with s.c. daylight saving - done 2x a year
- supposedly to save energy?
- Are the governments interested in fuel sales drop, when the fuel prices
are set so high in effect of high taxation? Will they want to give up that
- Are the governments interested in power sales drop, when the price of
energy is set high by exscise? Will they want to give up that earnings?
- Are the politicians interested in letting the citizen to choose freely
his fuel supplier, without quite any government control?
- Will the politicians give up - quite on their own - the
control of the distribution of energy?
- Are the copper (wires) producers - while copper is (now) still essential
for power grid building - interested in lowering the interest for copper?
- Are the car producers interested in providing cheaper - and more
reliable - cars, when - in effect - they will sell less cars, and less
spare parts?
If you agree with us, that we can hardly expect any of the above, you surely
understand, that without the pressure from the bottom up; the
pressure made by Consuments, Taxpayers and Voters - we mean: all of us
- there's no chance!
It is confirmed by the fact, that the gun-engine has been patented in 2006
already, and since then still isn't in mass production yet(!). The potential
producers either aren't especially interested(?), or wants to buy the
exclusive rights to invention. Do you really wonder, why? ;)
So, if you are convinced - help to spread information about the invention of
gun-engine (and ballerina-engine). By doing so you'll support not us,
actually - but yourself! Because it's your business to have the
opportunity to use such modern, economic engines - which will give you cheap
What can you do? Maybe at least that little:
- Spread the info about this site and its contents, by leaving at the
thematically related Internet forums the link with
ev. short description)
- Encourage your friends to visit us
- Write about this site - or about the gun-engine itself - to the
producers of engines, cars, other vehicles... with the question, when will
they offer anything like this? Why not? They are living thank to your
money, so they should be concerned with your needs!
- If you're running any website - even single WWW page - take any of the
provided buttons (as you see below), and place somewhere at your page
(using the code snippet as one can see on the right), to show your interest
in rapid implemention the inventions described here - and to let the others
know about their availability
- ...or at least put in the footer of your Web-pages ordinary text link
to our site, e.g.
<a href="">Gun-Engine</a>
- ...and maybe even find another way by yourself! :)
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